Smart Fridge

Developed an advanced smart fridge with dynamic inventory tracking for retail beverage dispensing, integrating robust sensor technology with cloud-based analytics and inventory management.

  • Scalable smart sensor array for dynamic monitoring of beverage quantities in customizable fridge layouts.
  • Central controller board compiles data by using its integrated AVR microcontrollers, offers real-time inventory representation, by employing integrated 4G connectivity for IoT capability.
  • Employed multiple Communication protocols, such as I2C, RS485, RS232 and SPI.
  • Developed in embedded C for efficient and stable performance, with over-the-air (OTA) firmware updating capability.
rows of red drink cans of a drink machine with pcb circuit boards at the end

At ModnyCo, we reached a new milestone in smart appliance innovation with the development of a smart fridge designed specifically for retail beverage dispensing. This intelligent system tracks inventory for cans and bottles with precision. Utilizing a robust array of smart sensors strategically placed along each lane, our system dynamically monitors and reports the count of beverages to a central controller board. The genius of this design lies in its scalability. Each sensor board, governed by its onboard microcontroller, can be daisy-chained to facilitate as many rows and columns as needed without compromising performance.

The main controller board is at the heart of this ecosystem, meticulously compiling data from the sensors to provide an accurate representation of the fridge's inventory. By incorporating a 4G SIM card, the fridge becomes a node in the Internet of Things (IoT), seamlessly broadcasting inventory levels to the cloud. This real-time data serves multiple stakeholders:
1. Retail Operators: Shopkeepers could monitor sales performance with an unprecedented level of detail, adjusting their stock levels and product offerings based on accurate, up-to-the-minute data.
2. Logistics and Supply Chain: Delivery systems are revolutionized with our technology, enabling predictive scheduling for restocking, ensuring that the fridge is never empty and the sales cycle is uninterrupted.
3. Corporate Insight: Management, sales, and marketing teams are empowered with data for comprehensive analysis, aiding in strategic decision-making and market analysis.

Our design leverages two low-cost AVR microcontrollers, each equipped with over-the-air update capabilities facilitated by sophisticated bootloaders. This feature ensures that our fridges remain at the forefront of technology with the latest firmware, enhancing features and improving reliability without the need for physical servicing.

The communications matrix within the fridge utilizes a variety of protocols – I2C for sensor integration, RS485 and RS232 for robust board-to-board communication, and SPI for high-speed synchronous data transfer. We have also incorporated EEPROM technology, providing a fail-safe feature that preserves inventory data during power interruptions, ensuring continuity and reliability.

This project stands as a testament to ModnyCo's commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in smart technology, delivering solutions that redefine convenience and operational efficiency for our clients.

mutiple rows of bottles for a fridge, data connected to PCB

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