Product Assembly Diagnoses

ModnyCo designed a user-friendly diagnostic software for a client, aimed at enhancing their assembly line’s efficiency. Developed for Windows-PC, the software seamlessly integrated with a microcontroller’s firmware to detect and visually highlight errors in assembled devices. It allowed operators to easily identify and understand issues like disconnected cables or circuit malfunctions, streamlining the pre-calibration inspection process and ensuring the quality of products before shipment.

  • Developed diagnostic software for a client to inspect device health before calibration and shipment.
  • Designed the software for Windows-PC using Windows Forms and C#.
  • · Integrated the software with the error-handling capabilities of a microcontroller's firmware.
  • Enabled visual display of different device parts for interactive error checking by assembly operators.
  • Provided detailed issue descriptions upon clicking the highlighted areas, covering problems like disconnected cables, dead fuses, circuit issues, and LED malfunctions.

ModnyCo was approached by a client with a unique request: to develop a diagnostic software that would aid their assembly operators in inspecting the health of devices before they were calibrated and shipped. This project was not just about creating a tool; it was about enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the client's production line.
We set out to design a Windows-based software, utilizing Windows Forms and C#. The software was intricately designed to interface with the error-handling capabilities of firmware already implemented in a microcontroller within the device. This integration was key to running comprehensive health diagnoses on the assembled devices.


The user interface of the software was crafted with clarity and ease of use in mind. It visually displayed different parts of the device, allowing operators to interactively click on various components to check for errors. This visual approach made the inspection process intuitive and straightforward. In the event of an error, the affected part would be highlighted in red on the screen, drawing the operator's attention to the specific issue. Operators could then click on the highlighted area to get a detailed understanding of the problem. The software was programmed to recognize and report a range of issues, including disconnected cables, blown fuses, open or short circuits in the motor, and malfunctioning or disconnected LEDs, among others.

This diagnostic tool was a game-changer for the client's assembly process. It not only expedited the inspection phase but also significantly enhanced the accuracy of the health checks, ensuring that devices leaving the production line met the highest standards of quality. By simplifying and streamlining the inspection process, our software played a crucial role in reducing potential delays and costs associated with post-production issues.

This project was a testament to ModnyCo's ability to create targeted software solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients' specific needs, enhancing their operational efficiency and product quality.

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